Thursday, January 24, 2013
6 Weeks Pregnant
This past week definitely seemed to go by faster! It was a busy week including a day trip to Disney World. So much fun!
Today I had an appointment with Dr. B to confirm pregnancy. They did a urine pregnancy test upon arrival and the nurse immediately said "You're definitely pregnant!" Justin went with me to this appointment. We talked with Dr. B and he joked about us being in there about the same time 2 years later. :) He did a pelvic exam and discussed the basic things of the beginning of pregnancy. They gave me a sample of some calming prenatal vitamins to take since I've been feeling a little icky. I then had an ultrasound with the other doctor. I knew I was only 6 weeks but they had me calculated at 7 wks 2 days according to my LMP. During the ultrasound he said it looks like you're right with dating, baby is very small and hard to get an accurate measurement but looks to be around 5 and a half to 6 weeks. I totally knew what to expect seeing. I was pleased. Then he zoomed in and we saw the smallest little flickering of the heart beating. He said it more than likely just started beating. I LOVED seeing that! I went into it knowing it could still be too early to see the heartbeat but could possibly see it.
I go back in 2 weeks (February 8) for another ultrasound to get an accurate measurement and see a strong heartbeat. I go for my first official prenatal appointment in 3 weeks (February 14). I will be 9 weeks then and at that time is when I will do my prenatal blood work.
For symptoms this week: Still occasional bowel issues. Some nausea. More tired as the week went by. Emotional. Hungry. Not peeing as much but still more. First nose bleed of the pregnancy. Extreme sense of smell (dry heaved at some things). Stuffy/drainage. Dizzy a couple times. Increased CM.
Weight: up 1, total 125 lbs
Belly measurement: 32 inches
Thursday, January 17, 2013
5 Weeks Pregnant
Symptoms this week: Bloating. Gassy. Bowels still out of whack. Occasional nausea. Frequent urination. Sensitive nipples when K latches to nurse or in the shower. Back breaking out. Tired but it's not awful yet.
So, not much for this week. Can't wait for my confirmation appointment next week and to see little bean on the ultrasound!
Weight: up 1, total 124 lbs
Belly measurement: 32 inches
Thursday, January 10, 2013
4 Weeks Pregnant
We've known for about 5 days now that baby #2 is on the way! Yes, thanks to my inability to resist the urge to test. :) Now we are officially counting the weeks here at 4 weeks pregnant. Yay!
I almost feel like a crazy person for having so many symptoms already because it wasn't like this with Kaelyn, but I'm not just making them up! Before I even got the positive test I was tired, stronger sense of smell, cried watching the news (I don't just cry like that) and felt nauseas a couple times. Another thing that happened before I found out has to do with Kaelyn. One night after I nursed her for bed she was sitting in my lap facing me whispering and smiling at me (which is almost a nightly thing before I lay her down). Then she lifted my shirt, pointed to my belly then rubbed it and smiled... My first thought was "does she know something I don't know?? Does she have some crazy instinct or something that there could be a baby in my belly??" It was so strange that she did that then, she's never done that before. I mean, I've heard of those things kind of happening before, but really?! Who knows if that meant anything or not but that was my only thought. I also had a very vivid dream the night before I tested that I got a positive pregnancy test. It felt so real! So of course when I woke up I had to test and what do you know, it was positive!
As for what I've been experiencing after finding out until now: Occasional slightly nauseous uneasy feeling when I get hungry, most of the time it'll go away soon after eating but a couple times it lingered. Diarrhea, wasn't near this bad with Kaelyn. Bloating, especially when I have to pee which brings me to having to pee all the time already. Gassy. waking up in early hours of the morning and not being able to go back to sleep. Probably the biggest thing is I'm so hungry! And when I feel a tinge of hunger I HAVE to eat. I've noticed short lasting twinge pains really low if I make a quick movement or laugh/cough/sneeze. So I think that's it. As if that's not enough?? Maybe just the initial surge of hormones and I'll have an easy pregnancy like with K. Wishful thinking? ;)
I made an appointment with my obstetrician Dr. B. I LOVED him with K's pregnancy and delivery so of course I'll be using him again. I will go to confirm pregnancy and more than likely have an ultrasound done January 24th at 2:45. I will be 6 weeks then. It will probably still be a little early to see a heartbeat but I'm hopeful. The office called in a prescription for the same prenatals I took last time so I will be picking those up this afternoon. I like them better than the over the counter ones I've been taking since having her.
I will be keeping track of weight and belly measurement just like last time along with a weekly belly shot to show progression. It is so neat to look back at those from K! Also, I thought taking photos of Kaelyn with the chalkboard showing what week we're at would be nice to involve her in the pregnancy and see how much she grows in the next 8 months before baby comes!
Weight starting out is 123 lbs. (Actually 3 lbs less than I started out with K)
Belly measuring 31.5 inches which is the same from K's!
Monday, January 7, 2013
Kaelyn is going to be a BIG sister!
Yesterday, January 6, 2013 we found out we are expecting baby #2!! We are so thrilled! Great start to the new year!
This was my first postpartum cycle since having Kaelyn because she is still breastfeeding. Which can cause your cycle to be delayed returning. I am so happy it only took us a month and a half to conceive this baby. I was fully prepared for long hard months ahead like it was before we conceived Kaelyn. I feel so blessed!!
According to my cycle information I have my expected due date at September 19, 2013. What's up with September babies?? :) Kaelyn and this baby will be exactly 2 years apart down to days. I feel like this will be a great age gap. My main concerns are K being jealous because she loves her mommy and how she will react to me nursing the new baby. I guess we shall see!
I am starting this new blog to document this pregnancy as I did with Kaelyn's. I enjoy looking back at hers and want to have the same for this baby too. As you can tell by the name "The Harwell Family" I am going to do pregnancy updates along with K updates and any other fun family things. I enjoy looking back at these so I am going to be better about blogging! Starting now!
Like I did in K's blog...I cover the good, bad and not so fun stuff. So, I apologize in advance if it's TMI for you. I love looking back and remembering every moment! :)
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