Thursday, January 24, 2013

6 Weeks Pregnant

This past week definitely seemed to go by faster! It was a busy week including a day trip to Disney World. So much fun!

Today I had an appointment with Dr. B to confirm pregnancy. They did a urine pregnancy test upon arrival and the nurse immediately said "You're definitely pregnant!" Justin went with me to this appointment. We talked with Dr. B and he joked about us being in there about the same time 2 years later. :) He did a pelvic exam and discussed the basic things of the beginning of pregnancy. They gave me a sample of some calming prenatal vitamins to take since I've been feeling a little icky. I then had an ultrasound with the other doctor. I knew I was only 6 weeks but they had me calculated at 7 wks 2 days according to my LMP. During the ultrasound he said it looks like you're right with dating, baby is very small and hard to get an accurate measurement but looks to be around 5 and a half to 6 weeks. I totally knew what to expect seeing. I was pleased. Then he zoomed in and we saw the smallest little flickering of the heart beating. He said it more than likely just started beating. I LOVED seeing that! I went into it knowing it could still be too early to see the heartbeat but could possibly see it.

I go back in 2 weeks (February 8) for another ultrasound to get an accurate measurement and see a strong heartbeat. I go for my first official prenatal appointment in 3 weeks (February 14). I will be 9 weeks then and at that time is when I will do my prenatal blood work.

For symptoms this week: Still occasional bowel issues. Some nausea. More tired as the week went by. Emotional. Hungry. Not peeing as much but still more. First nose bleed of the pregnancy. Extreme sense of smell (dry heaved at some things). Stuffy/drainage. Dizzy a couple times. Increased CM.

Weight: up 1, total 125 lbs
Belly measurement: 32 inches

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